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Password Safe 3.06

6,010 ダウンロード

Password Safe 3.06 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Password Safe 3.06  ログを変更

- Opening dialog now shows recently opened databases in dropdown list.
- File opened in initial dialog now added to recent files list.
- Password expiration date can now be specified relatively, e.g., "45 days from now".
- All dates and times are now displayed in the local format. Bugs fixed in 3.06
- No longer crashes when invoking help after using Hot-Key.
- No longer crashes upon Find with an empty group.
- Configuration handled correctly with non-English user or host names.
- No longer crashes when password history policy changes records.
- Non-English data issues resolved.

Password Safe 3 ビルド

Password Safe 注釈

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