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WinPatrol 24.1.2012.0

9,559 ダウンロード

WinPatrol 24.1.2012.0 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

WinPatrol 24.1.2012.0  ログを変更

* Delayed Start
- While not everyone had the same experience some folks reported that Delayed Start was no longer working with WinPatrol 2012. This update will resolve this error and give back one of your favorite features.
* Hidden Files 64 bit
- This update also helps fix a bug in the display of hidden files on 64 bit versions of Windows. It doesn't affect any other versions and has no impact unless you're using Windows 64 bit version. You'll know you have Windows 64 bit if you notice the you have both a Program Files folder and one called Program Files (x86).

WinPatrol 24 ビルド

WinPatrol 注釈

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