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Yahoo Widget Engine 4.0.3

8,322 ダウンロード

Yahoo Widget Engine 4.0.3 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Yahoo Widget Engine 4.0.3  ログを変更

* Fixed getDirectoryContents when passed C:\\.
* Fixed Drag and Drop events in Textareas.
* Fixed problem where opacity on frames wasn't being obeyed properly.
* Fixed issue with debug window never showing file/line number info. Also pulled in change to debug window to avoid having to use print() to see values.
* Fixed problem with duplicate widgets when consolidating. This would manifest itself as the apparent duplication of Widgets if you kept downloading and running the same Widget over and over (or an update to a Widget not gotten via the built-in update mechanism).
* Fixed truncation of Japanese characters in prefs.
* Fixed 'with' with COM objects.
* Fixed problem where we weren't always properly releasing COM objects.
* Fixed last remaining positioning issue wrt context menus when windows have shadows.
* Mac: Fixed reloadWidget() bug.
* Mac: Fixed font styling problem on Panther.
* Mac: Fixed Japanese font rendering issues in textareas.

Yahoo Widget Engine 4 ビルド

Yahoo Widget Engine 注釈

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